Q: I want to offer a CE course. What do I need to do?
A: It’s a long answer, so we’ve tried to make it simple. Download our guide — it’ll walk you through the step-by-step process.

Q: What types of organizations can you help?
A: Great question. Here are a few answers:

  • Organizations that want to provide high quality, evidence-based CE programs to their audience — but lack recognition status.
  • Companies that are currently recognized CE providers — but will no longer be able to self-certify as of July 2023, due to a commercial interest.
  • Organizations that already have AGD PACE recognition — but want to provide ADA CEPP recognized credits to their audience.

If you fit any of these profiles, get the ball rolling today .

Q: What types of organizations can you help?
A: Depending on your needs and objectives, Quantum DCE can offer any of the following solutions:

  • Program evaluation and compliance oversight
  • ADA CEPP recognized credit for in-person or online (live or pre-recorded) courses
  • CE certificate generation for your customers or members
  • Online or in-person course templates for customization
  • Access to expert Key Opinion Leader speakers
  • Joint providership opportunities

Contact us today and let us know how we can help!

Q: What does it mean when you say Quantum DCE will be a “joint provider” for my program?
A: As an independent CE provider free of commercial influence, Quantum DCE serves as a liaison between your organization and the governing body that oversees the recognition of professional CE credits. We’ll audit your program, offer compliance oversight, and operate as the recognized CE provider for your audience. Most partnerships can be completed 100% virtually. Set up your free consultation and we’ll walk you through it.

Q: If Quantum DCE operates as the recognized CE provider, what are my responsibilities?
A: For a successful joint providership relationship, both organizations must adhere to all relevant guidelines — before, during, and after. There are a lot of boxes to check. But don’t worry — we’ll help you navigate the complexities.

Q: What’s the difference between AGD PACE and ADA CERP?
A: AGD PACE and American Dental Association (ADA) Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) have similar approval processes. As a result, AGD recognizes CERP-approved providers for Fellowship or Mastership credit. Organizations do not need approval from both organizations to offer Fellowship or Mastership credit. However, many organizations apply for both so they can display both logos and show support for both organizations.

Q: What are the benefits of using an ADA CERP Provider?
A: ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP recognition demonstrates compliance with established standards of educational quality and allows recognized providers to offer CE credit. If your company is seeking a recognized ADA CERP provider, set up your free consultation with Quantum DCE today.

Q: Can auxiliary staff members earn ADA CERP credits?
A: ADA CERP participates in a Joint Accreditation collaboration, allowing it to provide CE credit for the entire healthcare team.

Q: Are there any limitations surrounding ADA CERP?
A: All US and Canadian jurisdictions that have implemented CE requirements for licensure accept CE credits issued by a recognized ADA CERP provider. However, some jurisdictions may have additional criteria. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

Q: My company manufactures and sells products to our customers. Can we become a recognized CE provider?
A: It depends on your industry. For dentistry, companies who manufacture or sell products will no longer be able to self-certify and provide CE, effective July 2023. Even if they currently have ADA CERP recognition, companies that fit this criteria will no longer be eligible for recognition as a CE provider.

Instead, they’ll need to work with an independent, recognized, non-commercial entity — like Quantum DCE — in order to remain compliant.

With this change on the horizon, contact us today. We’re here to make this transition smooth and seamless for your organization.

Q: Can you connect me with a Key Opinion Leader to speak at my upcoming study club?
A: We’ll certainly try! Our faculty of dental and medical professionals may be able to support your program as speakers. If there’s a fit, you’ll not only leverage their expertise, but also work with them to cater their presentation to your audience and organizational objectives. Visit this page to meet our team of experts.

Q: I don’t need a speaker; I just need content. Can you still help?
A: It depends. All Quantum DCE content is based on established scientific principles and has been developed by our panel of expert dental and medical faculty. Depending on the request, our speakers may be able to help you develop new content. Visit this page to view a complete list of specialty topics.

Q: I’m a DDS/RDH looking to earn CE credits online. Can you help? A: We’ve got you covered. Through our partnership with GLOH Education, Quantum DCE offers a library of virtual CE programs developed by Key Opinion Leaders that can be completed from the comfort of your home 24/7. Q: What about hands-on courses? A: Click here for a schedule of upcoming hands-on courses in your area.

Ready to get started ? Set up your free consultation with
Quantum DCE today.